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Notifications of Intent (NOI)

Notification of Intent (NOI) are issued by ACO Contracting Offices to NATO Delegations when ACO requirements valued in excess of Level D (EUR 800,000 effective 1 June 2024) of the NATO Established Financial Limit (EFL) demand the conduct of International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures.
The NOI aim at seeking potential bidders not already identified by the Contracting Office responsible to issue an ICB; therefore, NOIs give NATO Delegations the opportunity to submit additional names of eligible, interested and capable companies established within their respective country.
Abstract of the current NOIs sent to the NATO Delegations is available on this page. If you are interested to participate to any of the ICB planned in the NOIs listed below; please contact the relevant Contracting Office and/or your NATO Delegation (where your firm is officially registered).
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