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International Competitive Bidding (ICB)

This page provides information about the International Competitive Biddings (ICBs, also known as "Formal Procurement") advertised by ACO.

ICBs (either Invitation for International Bidding (IFIB) or Invitation for International Proposal (IFIP)) are used when the estimated value of the requirement is above Level D (EUR 800,000 effective 1 June 2024) of the NATO Established Financial Limit (EFL).

ICBs are usually competed on the ACO e-Bidding portal (Procureware). Click to view the ongoing ICBs competed on Procureware

ICBs that are not competed on the ACO Electronic Bidding portal can be found in the list below:

Suspense Date: 14 May 2025 at 11:00 (Local Time Pristina, Kosovo)
BID Number: IFIB-ACO-KFOR-25-03
Description: Rendering of Dining Facility Catering Services at HQ NATO KFOR (Kosovo)
Location: Headquarters NATO KFOR, Camp Film City, Pristina, Kosovo
more info


Important note on ICB Eligibility: 
ICBs are opened to firms that: 

(a) originate and are chartered/incorporated within NATO-member nations that provide the funding for the requirement stated in the ICB and
(b) maintain a professionally active facility (office/factory/laboratory, etc.) within NATO-member nations.

Based on the above and provided that additional eligibility criteria may apply on a case-by-case basis (depending on the specific requirement advertised); firms are invited to ICBs:
1) by the Contracting Office responsible for the solicitation. In this case, firms are nominated by the issuing Contracting Office at the time the Notification of Intent (NOI) is sent to the NATO Delegations (before the ICB is released to all prospective bidders); or
2) by the Contracting Office responsible for the solicitation based on a Declaration of Eligibility (DoE) submitted by the relevant NATO Delegation (of the NATO Country where the firm is officially registered). DoEs are submitted to the issuing Contracting Office by NATO Delegations in order to supplement the list of firms that were already identified in the NOI.

 If you are interested to participate to any ICB and your firm has not already received a written invitation by the relevant Contracting Office responsible for the solicitation; please contact the NATO Delegation of the NATO Member Country where your firm is registered, making reference to the ICB you are interested and request a Declaration of Eligibility (DoE). The NATO Delegation will have to submit to the relevant Contracting Office a DoE so that your firm can be included in the bidders list for the solicitation you are interested to participate.


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