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Thank you for your interest in Allied Command Operations (ACO) and its Strategic Headquarters, "Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe" (SHAPE).

A visit to SHAPE is an unrivalled opportunity to soak up the unique multinational military atmosphere of NATO and one of its two strategic commands. ACO/SHAPE is a place where all Alliance military operations are launched and supervised.

Please find below the requirements for planning a visit:

  • only an organised group (min. 10 people) can visit SHAPE (individual visitors’ requests will not be taken into consideration)
  • each visit should be planned at least 7 weeks in advance
  • read the instructions for visitors carefully and submit a request to our outreach liaison office via "Book your visit to SHAPE" link to pre-book a time and discuss further details
  • visits will be organised Monday to Friday in two sessions: a morning session 09:00 – 12:00 and an afternoon session 13:30 – 16:30 (please check the instructions for visitors for more details)
  • a valid identity document (ID card or passport) is required to access SHAPE
  • to meet the security requirements, you will be asked to complete an application form with all the necessary information in order to provide you with suitable entry allowance
  • please note we provide visits in both English and French

The instructions given above refer only to organised groups wishing to visit SHAPE for educational purposes.  These visits are organised by SHAPE J10 Strategic Communications division. 

All individual visitors wishing to enter the SHAPE Installation for reasons of business, family visits, social visits, etc. must be sponsored by a SHAPE member who acts as their point of contact.

SHAPE is closed on weekends, office closing days and public holidays.

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7010 Mons

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