SZCZECIN, Poland – Spanish forces arrived this week via plane and ship to join NATO Allies for exercise Brilliant Jump 2024, part of the Steadfast Defender exercise series, underway in the Drawsko Pomorskie Training area in Northern Poland.
300 Spanish military personnel and 65 vehicles arrived in Szczecin, with the majority coming from the 10th Brigade “Guzman El Bueno,” based in Córdoba, and the 21st Logistic Regiment based in Sevilla.
The rapid deployment of our military assets from home stations in Spain all the way to the north of the continent demonstrates the readiness of our forces
“The rapid deployment of our military assets from home stations in Spain all the way to the north of the continent demonstrates the readiness of our forces to support NATO Allies in times of crisis anywhere on Allied territority, at short notice,” said Spanish Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Diaz Simón. “Exercise Brilliant Jump is an excellent opportunity to integrate our capabilities into a live exercise with our Allies,” Simón added.
300 Spanish military personnel and 65 vehicles arrived in Szczecin to join Allies for exercise Brilliant Jump underway in the Drawsko Pomorskie Training area in Northern Poland - NATO Photo by Brilliant Jump NATO Media Information Centre
The Spanish, together with Albanian, British, Polish and Turkish troops, form NATO’s spearhead force, the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF).
Exercise Brilliant Jump trains and tests NATO’s VJTF in the planning and execution of a deployment, enhancing their ability to respond to a potential multidimensional armed crisis.
Following exercise Brilliant Jump, which concludes on Feb. 28, 2024, the Spanish contingent will travel further east into Poland to participate in exercise Dragon 24, another Steadfast Defender exercise. Dragon 24 is a Polish run exercise designed to train land, air and maritime forces from eight nations in rapid mobility, large forward deployment and interoperabiity between multinational forces.