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SHAPE Officers’ Association announces Scholarship

One of the important decisions made by the 2011 General Assembly of the SOA concerned the creation of a SOA Scholarship, initiated by the ExCom member Scott Sunquist.
It was the plan of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee to start this scholarship in the academic year 2012. And now we can announce the immediate implementation of the SOA Scholarship Programme in order to commemorate over 50 years of serving SHAPE.
The goals of this program are to aid graduating secondary school students to pursue university level study in subject areas relevant to SHAPE objectives and develop good-will and positive focus for the SOA with current and future SHAPE personnel.

The 1000 € scholarship will be for the first university year and will be awarded to graduating descendants of SOA members (i.e., children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and step or adopted children) or any graduating secondary school student sponsored by a SOA member. To apply, seniors must be planning to enter a recognized university and to pursue primary (major) study in Languages, History, Political Science or International Relations. Academic excellence and demonstrated interest in the chosen field will be key factors in the decision.

The Shape Officers Association is pleased to announce that applications will be accepted immediately. In addition to completing the application form, the applicant must supply ALL the following information (except grades/transcripts) in an official NATO language, i.e., English or French:

1. Secondary school grades/ transcript. (attach a summary in French or English if the original is in another language)

2. A signed letter of recommendation (on school letterhead) from the candidate's high school advisor or other high school instructor who is familiar with the candidate's academic abilities and achievements.

3. A brief letter of recommendation from the candidate's SOA sponsor (ONLY if not a direct descendant).

4. A one page typed statement of goals, including how they relate to the promotion of the values of SHAPE, NATO and the Atlantic Alliance.

Applications will be judged by a committee convened by the Executive Committee of the SOA.

DEADLINE: The complete application must be received by the SOA no later than JUNE 15, 2012, to include transcripts, statement of goals, and recommendation letters. Please check that the following information is complete:

1. Completed application form.

2. School transcripts.

3. Signed statement of goals.

4. A letter of recommendation from school (and sponsor if necessary).

5. The completed application packet should be sent to:

SHAPE Officers' Association,
SHAPE Building 102 (ATTN: PAO),
7010, SHAPE, BE

6. If there are any questions, please contact Scott Sunquist at e-mail

The Scholarship(s) will be announced at the SOA General Assembly and distributed in October, 2012.

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Rue Grande
7010 Mons

Officers' Association

Communications Division
Room 249, Bldg 102