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SHAPE Officers' Association Symposium 2015
As tradition has it, your association will meet again at SHAPE from 8 to 10 October this year.
The symposium will follow the proven route and start with the Happy Hour on Thursday, followed by the General Assembly and a briefing on the recent developments in SHAPE and NATO on Friday.
In the evening, we will have the opportunity to attend the Friendship concert of the SHAPE band at the Mons theatre.
On Saturday, 10 October, we will have sport and cultural events.
The Executive Committee has opted for excursions in and around Mons, one of the two 2015 cultural capitals of Europe, as well as the traditional golf tournament on Saturday morning.
The last event of the symposium will be the dinner at the Grand Hotel in Valenciennes, France on Saturday evening.
The drive for the SOA scholarship programme was successful, so that we will be able to offer at least one scholarship of 1000 Euro in 2015. A scholarship may be awarded to a successful applicant during the General Assembly on Friday, 9 October 2015.
For detailed information in the calling letter, please
click here.