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Message from Chairman, US Chapter, on Gen Shalikashvili's Funeral Ceremony


I had the honor of attending the funeral ceremony for General Shalikashvili on Friday, 7 October. It was a wonderful tribute. There were "legions" of service members in formation outside the Memorial Chapel at Ft. Myer. They later accompanied the flag-draped casket to the interment site.

The ceremony itself was attended by many notables from Gen. Shali's illustrious career. They included former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, both of whom spoke. Others included Gen. Colin Powell, former SACEURS Joulwan and Ralston, current and former Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs and numerous other high ranking current and retired officers and civilians. Also well represented were several NATO defense attaches. While being a very solemn event it was also a fine tribute to a former President of SOA.


John J. Haas, PhD
Chairman, US Chapter
SHAPE Officers Association
200 12th Street South, Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22202-4304
Tele: 703.699.0746
Fax: 703.604.1733


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