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SHAPE Officer's Association General Assembly 2012


A year has gone by again since the SHAPE Officers' Association Symposium of 2011. And as tradition has it, we will meet again on SHAPE from 11 to 13 October of this year. The symposium will follow the proven route and start with the Happy Hour on Thursday, followed by the General Assembly on Friday morning and a briefing on the recent developments of SHAPE and NATO in the afternoon. And in order to follow the expressed wishes of many members attending the symposium, we will again have a cultural event on Saturday, 13 October. The Executive Committee has opted for a day-long excursion to Bruges, one of the most beautiful and best preserved medieval towns in Belgium.

Take this once a year opportunity and meet friends from all over the world.

Take your time and fill out the registration form – please make sure you do it carefully since all the fields are important.

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Rue Grande
7010 Mons

Officers' Association

Communications Division
Room 249, Bldg 102