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Maria Tortorelli

·     Maria Tortorelli is our 2023 SSP awardee. She embodies the type of student that our organization wish to support. She is an outstanding academic even after switching from a German school to the DODEA American school of Stuttgart. She is now enrolled at the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio (USA) and later, she plans to commission as a US military officer. Her chosen field of study relates to Political Science and German language.

·     Maria comes from a military family (Air Force) and her aunt (retired USAF) is a SOA member.

·     She has lived most of her life in Germany and is multi-lingual. She is also an athlete; particularly, but not only, in the air rifle. She is moreover involved in various school, extracurricular, charity and military related activities, including the JROTC program.

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