MONS, Belgium - Education and training opportunities were on display at the SHAPE Partnerships Directorate’s exhibition during the annual Military Strategic Partnership Conference (MSPC) in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Apr. 8 to 12, 2024.
“This unique venue presented opportunities for NATO and our Partners to engage with a multitude of actors vital for the successful implementation of our annual Military Cooperation activities in the field of education and training,” said Deputy Chief of Staff, Partnerships Director, Rear Admiral Gunnstein Bruåsal. “Allowing Partner Nations to engage with a variety of training facilities is crucial to fostering a solid network across the Partnership community,” Bruåsal added.
Allowing Partner Nations to engage with a variety of training facilities is crucial
Twenty-eight institutions participated, representing NATO Education and Training Facilities, NATO-accredited Centres of Excellence, NATO recognised Partnership Training and Education Centres (PTECs), as well as NATO bodies and National Training Institutions. Attendees also included Partner nations: the host nation Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Serbia, and Ukraine.
Education and training opportunities were on display at the SHAPE Partnerships Directorate’s exhibition during the annual Military Strategic Partnership Conference (MSPC) in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Apr. 8 to 12, 2024. Twenty-eight institutions participated, representing NATO Education and Training Facilities, NATO-accredited Centres of Excellence, NATO recognised Partnership Training and Education Centres, as well as NATO bodies and National Training Institutions - NATO Photo by HQ Sarajevo
The MSPC Exhibition has been part of Partnership’s Annual Conference since 2018 when the first exhibition was held in parallel in Skopje, North Macedonia. The purpose of the exhibition is to highlight what the Partnership Training and Education Centres and NATO's Centres of Excellence have to offer Partner nations in the field of education and training.
Background: PTECs, launched in 1999, are a global network of institutions offering courses and academic seminars to both civilian and military staff from NATO and Partner countries. Their goal is to improve the professionalism of national personnel, increase international troop interoperability, and conduct education and training activities related to NATO partnership programmes and policies.
As new emerging challenges worldwide require a coordinated response, NATO sees education and training as one of the best tools to help enhance stability and resilience. By supporting knowledge exchange, interoperability, regional confidence-building, lessons-learned and best practices, PTECs are at the core of the Alliance's cooperative effort to increase the cohesion and readiness of its members and partners.