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Jun 9 2023

Swedish Non-Commissioned Officers visit SHAPE

MONS, Belgium - A contingent from the Swedish Military Academy Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) Programme visited Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) on Monday, Jun. 5, 2023, to receive a series of briefings and operational updates from SHAPE staff.

The aim was to provide an opportunity to update the group on NATO Missions and activities that directly relate to Sweden as the main operational partner. It also provided an opportunity for questions from Swedish Senior NCO’s to NATO staff, designed to assist in the NCO’s development as part of their Senior NCO Programme.

The ongoing Ukraine War just reminds us all how important it is for our soldiers and NCOs to be armed with the right skills to make decisions in line with missions and objectives

The Swedish contingent were welcomed by Deputy Chief of Staff Partnerships Directorate Rear Admiral Gunnstein Bruasdal. Briefers included the Allied Command Operations (ACO) Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Chief Warrant Officer Kevin Mathers and Partnerships Directorate Major Rheesay Paluay, Swedish Military Cooperation Country Desk Officer.

A contingent from the Swedish Military Academy Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) Programme visited Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe on Monday, Jun. 5, 2023, to receive a series of briefings and operational updates from SHAPE staff - NATO photo by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

“As part of my ongoing Partnership professional and personal development programme for Partner CSEL’s and below, this event was extremely valuable, enabling a frank and open discussion on the role of NCO’s in our respective warfighting countries. The ability to defend ourselves from any adversary demands the highest leadership skills right down to the section level,” said Partnerships Directorate CSEL Warrant Officer Class One Steven Catherwood. “With the recent home defence exercise in Sweden, Exercise Aurora 23, much of the defensive fighting activity was aimed at testing Company level and below capabilities where the extensive skills and excellent initiative of the Swedish Armed Forces NCO cadre was very evident. The ongoing Ukraine War just reminds us all how important it is for our soldiers and NCOs to be armed with the right skills to make decisions in line with missions and objectives,” Catherwood added.

The Partnership Directorate SNCO/NCO development programme is an annual activity with Partner nations actively encouraged to understand and develop the NCO ethos and empowerment. The NCO Development programme is briefed at every event with the next occasion scheduled for the International CSEL Conference to be held at Allied Joint Force Command Norfolk in September.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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