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NATO Training Mission - Iraq


The NATO Training Mission-Iraq (NTM-I) was established in 2004 at the request of the Iraqi Interim Government under the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1546. The aim of NTM-I was to assist in the development of Iraqi security forces training structures and institutions so that Iraq could build an effective and sustainable capability that addressed the needs of the nation. NTM-I was not a combat mission, but it fell under the political control of NATO's North Atlantic Council, and its operational emphasis was on training and mentoring. The activities of the mission were coordinated with Iraqi authorities and the US-led Deputy Commanding General Advising and Training who was also dual-hatted as the Commander of NTM-I.


NTM-I delivered its training, advice and mentoring support in a number of different settings such as: 
  • Support to the Iraqi Command and Control structure.
  • The professionalization of Iraqi Armed Forces Officers training and education and the professional development at the Non-Commissioned Officer Academy both within Iraq and abroad.
  • Professionalization of the Iraqi Federal Police and Oil Police through Carabinieri-led training.

NATO's two most significant contributions to the Iraqi Security Forces were at the Iraqi Military Academy Ar Rustamiyah, or IMAR, and the Carabinieri training of the Iraqi Federal Police. Standards to be achieved were high broadly equating to those found in many Western Military Academies. At Camp Dublin, the Carabinieri ran a gendarmerie-type specialised course designed to provide future training to the IFP to enhance the skills taught at their basic training centres. Police officers attending the Carabinieri course studied operational planning, police procedures, police intelligence skills, weapons and combat skills. The course also placed special emphasis on police ethics and Human Rights.

An initiative was introduced with Carabinieri led training to the Iraqi Oil Police in order to establish a cadre of professionals able to protect Iraq critical economic infrastructure. The first Oil Police training course started in Oct. 2010 using the Carabinieri training program as a model. Each 7 week basic course of around 120 students trained Officers, NCOs and Shurta. By the end of Dec. 2011 it is estimated that over 1100 graduated from the basic course including T3 and T5 instructors.

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