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Jan 9 2023

Video: NATO helps maintain security in Kosovo

The NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo continues to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo, under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999. 

Today, the Kosovo Force (KFOR) numbers around 3,700 troops from 20 NATO Allies and seven partner countries, and troops regularly train and exercise together to ensure readiness in case a dispute occurs. In a crisis situation KFOR operates as the third responder, after the Kosovo Police and the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX). 

As part of their usual tasks, KFOR troops regularly engage with all local communities across Kosovo and enhance their readiness with a variety of training, including Crowd and Riot Control (CRC), patrols at checkpoints and Liaison and Monitoring Teams, which interact with local communities across Kosovo. 

Footage includes shots of KFOR soldiers conducting Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) training, conducting liaison monitoring duties, soldiers on a regular patrol in northern Kosovo.

Video by NATO HQ

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