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Apr 27 2023

Video: 24 hours on a US Navy warship - USS Ross

What’s it like when your office is your home, and your home is a US Navy warship? Find out as our NATO video producer embarks on the USS Ross, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, for a naval exercise. 

Living on a ship means living in a confined space, eating only what’s available in the kitchen, and performing your job while keeping the ship clean. As NATO video producer Krista discovers, it’s a demanding lifestyle not for the faint of heart. But every day, NATO sailors wake up and do their jobs on ships as small as minesweepers, and as big as aircraft carriers. Their vigilance and professionalism help keep NATO safe 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

The USS Ross was one of several US Navy ships stationed in Rota, Spain as part of Destroyer Squadron 60. During its 10 years in Europe, the ship participated in NATO naval exercises and served as part of Standing NATO Maritime Group One, which is tasked with patrolling the southern seas. 

Following the Madrid Summit in June 2022, the United States announced the deployment of two additional Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to Rota to strengthen NATO’s maritime forces in the European seas.

Video by NATO HQ

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