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Mar 27 2023

SHAPE J9 briefs NATO Partners on Civil-Military Cooperation

DOHA – Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) was highlighted during the Military Strategic Partnership Conference 2023, held in Qatar from Mar. 13 to 17, 2023, as part of the extensive inform and educate objectives set out by SHAPE’s Partnership Directorate.

The importance of such cooperation with non-military actors within operations was briefed to the partnership community, where a key function of Resilience, as part of NATO's approach to Human Security in Operations HSIO was presented by Tom Gooch, Humanitarian Affairs Advisor, SHAPE J9.

“The current unpredictable security environment has renewed focus on the importance of resilience through civil preparedness. More resilient countries, where the whole of government as well as the public and private sectors are involved in civil preparedness planning, have fewer vulnerabilities, said Gooch. “Where countries have resilient mechanisms at all levels the ability to bounce back quicker and more effectively is very visible. The Ukraine War has highlighted how effective this can be.”

Tom Gooch, Humanitarian Affairs Advisor, SHAPE J9 briefs partners at the Military Strategic Partnership Conference 2023, held in Qatar from 13 to 17 Mar. 2023, on Civil-Military Cooperation. 

The main theme of the presentations highlighted that with the support of the NATO Resilience Assessment Support Team, partner nations can conduct comprehensive assessments of their resilience status and then identify and action recommendations to strengthen resilience. Through use of baseline requirements, objectives, critical criteria and resilience guidelines, nations through self-assessment can understand their resilience status, identify risk and implement mitigation measures.

SHAPE J9 is leading Allied Command Operations endeavors to further develop a resilience directive and to produce a Human Security Framework to ensure Human Security considerations are fully implemented across NATO.

This Human Security Framework will be the focus of both the CIMIC Unit Commanders Conference in June and the CIMIC Key leaders Conference in September. These events provide a critical opportunity for the CIMIC community to come together and discuss best practice, challenges and solutions for the implementation of Human Security and Resilience.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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