MONS, Belgium – NATO military personnel from across the alliance gathered at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) from Mar. 1 to 2, 2023 to discuss NATO's evaluation and observation requirements.
With the invasion of Ukraine, it is of upmost importance for board members to meet in person and discuss future challenges
The Evaluation Programming and Management Board (EPMB) is designed to identify requirements, recommend priorities, align approved requirements with available resources and to synchronize evaluation or observation activities with the military training and exercise programme.
NATO military personnel from across the alliance gathered at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe from Mar. 1 to 2, 2023 to discuss NATO's evaluation and observation requirements - NATO Photo by SHAPE Public Affairs Office
“With the invasion of Ukraine, it is of upmost importance for board members to meet in person and discuss future challenges,” said Colonel Jacek Ropejko, Branch Head of SHAPE’s Evaluation Branch and chairman of the EPMB. “Detailed dialogue resulting in a steadfast course of action, to be recommended to the SHAPE Deputy Chief of Staff, Strategic Development and Preparation, is imperative for all stakeholders especially during this time of heightened security,” he added.
Discussions focused on future challenges in terms of evaluations for 2024, 2025 and 2026.
The bi-annual programming body ensures that all NATO evaluation and observation requirements meet Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s (SACEUR) Annual Guidance on Education, Training, Exercise and Evaluation – a necessary basic requirement to keep NATO troops and assets prepared and ready to deter and defend any aggressor against NATO territory.
The next session is planned for late fall 2023. Prior to that meeting, the evaluation/observation planning and conducting authority will engage with headquarters and forces to assess capabilities resulting in the development of a specific plan.