DOHA – The recent Military Strategic Partnership Conference in Doha Qatar, which was held Mar. 13 to 17, 2023, included a vital element of abundant exhibitions provided by numerous NATO entities and stakeholders.
A significant information and education display was the NATO accredited Centres of Excellence (COE) stand. This information point provided all conference attendees with the whole range of COE activities as well as locations where the centres provide knowhow on an extensive range of topics.
The Centres of Excellence provide expertise on topics such as Concept Development, Education and Training, Exercise and Evaluation and Doctrine Development. A key advantage of all COEs are they do not duplicate existing facilities, conform to NATO procedures and standards and are indeed centres of excellence in that chosen subject.
The recent Military Strategic Partnership Conference in Doha Qatar, which was held Mar. 13 to 17, 2023, included a vital element of abundant exhibitions provided by numerous NATO entities and stakeholders. There are currently 28 COEs located in Europe and North America with a further 2 under development - the Space COE located in France and the Climate Change and Security COE in Canada.
“This has been an excellent opportunity to highlight the relevance of COEs that are available to NATO and Partners, and how such a resource can add tremendous value,” said Commander Chris Hache, ACT Staff Officer, COE Coordinator for Concept Development. “COEs also provide opportunities for contributing partners where capabilities and skills can be exchanged under the umbrella of defence capacity building.”
There are currently 28 COEs located in Europe and North America with a further 2 under development - the Space COE located in France and the Climate Change and Security COE (CCASCOE) in Canada. The Space COE was established earlier this year, and the CCAS COE is expected to be established later in 2023