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Jun 20 2023

Civil-Military cooperation held in Finland

Helsinki, Finland. 

This year two conferences; the Annual Discipline for Civil-Military Cooperation, and the Military Contribution to Peace Support in Operations were collocated at the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) in Helsinki, Finland from 13th to the 15yh of June 2023.

By combining the event all relevant stakeholders from the multi-disciplines were able to be updated and briefed on many subjects, including training opportunities, cross-cutting topics, the role of FINCENT and further education.

I am very grateful to Finland for hosting such an important event, especially as our newest Alliance member. I am also pleased at the level of interest here this week

Assistant Chief of Staff SHAPE J9, Brigadier General Zarka Editson ALB AF said. “The subjects raised today are fundamental operational enablers and we at SHAPE J9 continue to offer military support, direction and guidance where required across the NATO structure and command. The war in Ukraine sadly reminds us how important these subjects are in support of operations."


Following this conference SHAPE J9 and the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence (CCOE) will jointly conduct the integrated CIMIC Key Leader Conference and Community of Interest Workshop. This event will take place from the 5th to the 9th September 2023 at the CCOE in The Hague, Netherlands concentrating on the core subject of Interoperability.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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