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Nov 11 2022

Video: NATO develops technology to help catch terrorists

What if we could protect public spaces – airports, train stations and other transit hubs – without imposing burdensome restrictions? 

Scientists from NATO and partner countries have worked together to find a new way of detecting terrorists in crowded places, remotely and in real time, without disrupting the flow of pedestrians. 

The DEXTER (Detection of EXplosives and firearms to counter TERrorism) Programme, as it’s known, is a flagship initiative of the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme. 

DEXTER uses different systems that collate information in real time and then send to security operators, providing a fast and effective way of tracking and dealing with potential threats. 

Once the test phase is over, the DEXTER system could be used in metro stations, train stations and airports, seamlessly improving the security of all passengers.

Video by NATO HQ

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