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Nov 29 2022

Video: Inside the mind of a US Army Black Hawk helicopter pilot

What does it take to fly the US Army’s UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter? Skill, determination and an ability to adapt to your mission, whatever it may be. 

The Black Hawk is the US Army’s multipurpose helicopter, used for air assault missions, medical evacuation, troop movements and humanitarian missions, among other tasks. Its flexibility makes it invaluable on NATO exercises and operations – such as the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR), where Virginia National Guard Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jennifer Gaulton serves as a pilot. 

While in Kosovo, Gaulton and her fellow Black Hawk pilots have flown a wide range of missions, from firefighting and search-and-rescue to training with other NATO Allies. 

Here she describes what it takes to fly the Black Hawk, and why it’s such a powerful and useful machine. The US Army forms a sizable part of KFOR’s 3,700 deployed troops, who are in Kosovo to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo.

Video by NATO HQ

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