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Dec 5 2022

SHAPE celebrates annual Malmedy Tree Lighting Ceremony

MONS, Belgium—Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) celebrated one of its oldest traditions on Friday, Dec. 2, 2022 during the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony celebrated with military and civilian personnel along with their families in front of the headquarters.

Today’s Christmas tree lighting signals the beginning of our holiday season, and the closing of another busy but successful year in SHAPE

Since SHAPE moved to Belgium from France every year the Belgian town of Malmedy provides the headquarters with a Christmas tree as a symbol of gratitude. This annual gift giving began in 1967 as a present to the United States Armed Forces for the city's liberation during World War II.  However, this gift soon became a present to the entire SHAPE community for their defence of freedom in Europe.

SACEUR, General Christopher G. Cavoli, addresses civilian, military personnel and families at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. Everyone gathered on Friday, Dec. 2, 2022 to celebrate one of the headquarters longest standing traditions, the annual Malmedy Christmas tree lighting ceremony. This year marked the 55th one.- NATO Photo by SHAPE Public Affairs Office
The Canadian choir performed for SHAPE civilian and military personnel as well as their families at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe on Friday, Dec. 2, 2022.  Everyone gathered to celebrate one of the headquarters longest standing traditions, the annual Malmedy Christmas tree lighting ceremony. This year marked the 55th one.- NATO Photo by SHAPE Public Affairs Office
Councilman Mathieu Bronlet, Malmedy Deputy Mayor, addresses civilian, military personnel and families at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. Everyone gathered on Friday, Dec. 2, 2022 to celebrate one of the headquarters longest standing traditions, the annual Malmedy Christmas tree lighting ceremony. This year marked the 55th one.- NATO Photo by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

"Today’s Christmas tree lighting signals the beginning of our holiday season, and the closing of another busy but successful year in SHAPE,” said Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General Christopher G. Cavoli. “This magnificent tree, coming straight from the Ardennes Forest, will serve as a reminder to all who see it, this is a time for the celebration of family, for charity, for service to others and to re-affirm our personal commitment to continued peace and unity.”

"For 55 years, a majestic fir tree grown in the oldest nature preserve in Belgium – the High Fens – has been given to SHAPE, to the great delight of all who see it, young and old. This tradition has kept down through the years, and I hope that it always will be," said Councilman Mathieu Bronlet, Deputy Mayor.

General Cavoli and Councilman Bronlet had the honour of lighting the Christmas tree in front of the SHAPE community. The tree will be illuminated every day from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from dusk until 11 p.m. until the New Year. On Christmas Eve, the lights will remain on until dawn on Christmas morning.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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