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May 20 2022

SACEUR attends Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session

BRUSSELS, Belgium – Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General Tod D. Wolters attended the Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session (MCCS) at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium May 19, 2022. The overall focus of the meeting was collective defence.

The meeting was broken into multiple sessions with a variety of topics.

Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the Military Committee, set the stage for the day, "In the past few months, NATO has shown that is it capable to swiftly and effectively change its posture. We have implemented the largest reinforcement of collective defence in a generation. The foundation for that adaptation came from work that the Military Committee started a few years ago, in close cooperation with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation."

SACEUR General Tod D. Wolters, left, Chairman of the Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer, centre, and Supreme Allied Commander Transformation General Philippe Lavigne attend a press conference during MCCS at NATO HQ in Brussels on May 19, 2022. (NATO Photo by MSgt Pia Dunkel)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also joined the Chiefs of Defence during the first session to address the geostrategic context and preparations for the Madrid Summit in June.

The second session focused on Russia's war in Ukraine, with the Chiefs of Defence from NATO Partner Nations Finland, Sweden and Ukraine joining the discussions.

General Wolters led the third session, which focused on the implementation of the Concept for the Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area (DDA) and the longer-term posture. The Chiefs of Defence provided their guidance on the adaptation of NATO's military posture.

The Chiefs of Defence also met with NATO's Asia-Pacific Partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea, to discuss regional developments.

The final session, briefed by General Philippe Lavigne, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation focused on NATO's Warfighting Capstone Concept and the ongoing digital transformation of the Alliance.

Following the meeting, the top NATO military leaders addressed the media during a press conference.

General Wolters highlighted Allied support to Ukraine and the defense of the Alliance.

Wolters said. "With respect to the defense of the alliance, we've responded in all domains, in all regions, to shield all allies. We've deployed elements of the NATO Response Force to strengthen our forward defense."

Additionally he added, "There are now eight battle groups under NATO command deployed along the eastern flank. There are now over 42,000 troops and 120 jets on high alert, with more than 20 ships ready to respond, he said. "Our land domain has seen a 10-fold increase, the air domain a 50 percent increase of fighters patrolling the skies."

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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