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Oct 31 2022

NATO's Introduction to Military Partnerships Course held in Finland

HELSINKI - The annual NATO Introduction to Military Partnerships Course (IMPC) took place at the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT) in Helsinki from Oct 23 to 27, 2022 with some 40 students, civilian and military staff of all ranks, from across the NATO Structure and Partner Nations.

As Finland moves towards NATO accession, courses such as these also serve to strengthen our interoperability, standardization and contribution to enhancing partnerships

Admiral Gunnstein Bruåsdal, SHAPE’s Deputy Chief of Staff Partnerships Directorate, welcomed the 2022 class with virtual opening remarks, stressing that the course is the only formal education that provides training for all staff involved in Military Cooperation activities.

The annual NATO Introduction to Military Partnerships Course took place at the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre in Helsinki last week with some 40 students, civilian and military staff of all ranks, from across the NATO Structure and Partner Nations

“The importance of bringing together Partner and NATO Staff is a crucial force enabler for the successful implementation of the whole range of Military Cooperation activities,” said Brigadier General Martin Remes, Assistant Chief of Staff Military Cooperation. “This vital awareness, education and reinforcement starts with courses such as these, introducing the broad spectrum of Military Cooperation activities and how Partnerships contribute to all three NATO Core Tasks. I have been very impressed with how the students have attacked their studies.”

“To host the course in Helsinki is an excellent opportunity for FINCENT to enhance cooperation in education and training within the Alliance and its partners,” said Lieutenant Colonel Niclas L. von Bonsdorff, FINCENT Commandant. “As Finland moves towards NATO accession, courses such as these also serve to strengthen our interoperability, standardization and contribution to enhancing partnerships. The IMPC has been hosted in Helsinki since 2016 and we stand ready to host it at FINCENT next year as well,” von Bonsdorff concluded.

The 'Open Door' policy and the freedom of choice for Partner Nations remain a great strength and all staff continue to be aware of such opportunities. In March 2023, the Military Strategic Partnership Conference will take place in Qatar where all Partner Nations will be able to discuss future initiatives further and refine individual Military Cooperation plans with NATO counterparts.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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