NORFOLK, United States - A Technical Arrangement between Joint Force Command (JFC) Norfolk and the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (NDLO) was signed on Thursday, Feb. 10, 2022 during a virtual ceremony.
"Today marks an important milestone for Joint Force Command Norfolk as this Technical Arrangement both solidifies the strong transatlantic bond between us and the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation, and enhances our logistical network between North America and Europe," said JFC Norfolk Commander, Vice Admiral Daniel Dwyer.

Commander, JFC Norfolk, Vice Admiral Daniel Dwyer signs Technical Arrangement in Norfolk. - Photo by MC2 Joshua Tolbert, U.S. Navy

Commander, NDLO, Major General Lars Aamodt and his team in Oslo. - Photo by Torbjørn Kjosvold, Forsvaret

Norwegian Defence Attaché to the United States and Canada, Major General Odd-Harald Hagen, Commander, JFC Norfolk, Vice Admiral Daniel Dwyer and the JFC Norfolk team. - Photo by MC2 Joshua Tolbert, U.S. Navy
JFC Norfolk serves as NATO's operational bridge between Europe and North America. It relies on a command network to coordinate Allied activity in the North Atlantic and High North, from seabed to space. Norway, as a signatory of the Memorandum of Understanding that established JFC Norfolk, has been heavily involved in the Alliance's newest operational command.
The role of the NDLO is to ensure that the Norwegian Armed Forces' equipment is maintained and available. Under NDLO Command is the Norwegian Joint Logistics Support Group (NOR JLSG) which is a static headquarters tasked to plan and coordinate third line logistics in the operational environment. The signing of this Technical Arrangement will enable JFC Norfolk to establish a Joint Logistic Support Network (JLSN) with NOR JLSG that will strengthen the logistics required to execute NATO activity in the High North. The JLSN will consist of, but not be limited to: points of debarkation, lines of communication, logistic bases, convoy support centres, staging areas and forward logistics sites.
Vice Admiral Dwyer welcomed the Norwegian Defence Attaché to the United States and Canada, Major General Odd-Harald Hagen, to witness the signing in Norfolk. Across the Atlantic Major General Lars Aamodt, Commander of the NDLO, put pen to paper in Oslo completing the ceremony.