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May 25 2022


HAGUE, The Netherlands -- The NATO Exercise Programme Alignment Conference 2022 – NEPAC 22 was held this month at NATO's Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence at the Hague. This bi-annual conference brings together Collective Training and Exercise subject matter experts from the Alliance, other NATO Command and Force Structures, and key partners such as Finland and Sweden.

The main purpose of the conference is to provide focussed effort on aligning NATO's extensive programme across all Force Domains, take into consideration other planning cycles and include national and bi-lateral activity. The Collective Training and Exercise community also discussed a wide range of topics ranging from the Military Training and Exercise Programme, Collective Defence, and the importance of Partnership cooperation. The attendees throughout the conference participated in a programme of dynamic workshops and discussions which aimed to consolidate progress made and identify topics of mutual interest for the next meeting.

''What we do collectively, is clearly connected to deterrence and readiness. In this context, this conference has been a huge success, and for me has reinforced the need for continuous and clear visibility of all the alignment of activities and exercises,'' said Brigadier General Gunnar Brügner, Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS) of SHAPE J7. 'My team have worked particularly hard to agree and execute a demanding agenda and schedule in order to maximise operational effect. This has been even more notable due to our collective enhanced operational tempo in the Alliance".

Looking to the future, it is planned to hold the NATO Collective Training and Exercises Executive Forum in September 2022 where senior military leaders will discuss further outcomes from this conference against the backdrop of the current global security environment. This will reinforce and enhance further understanding of the current challenges concerning exercise and event activity alignment.

The NATO Exercise Programme Alignment Conference 2022 – NEPAC 22 was held last week at NATO's Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence at the Hague. 
The NATO Exercise Programme Alignment Conference 2022 – NEPAC 22 was held last week at NATO's Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence at the Hague.
The NATO Exercise Programme Alignment Conference 2022 – NEPAC 22 was held last week at NATO's Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence at the Hague. 

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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