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Nov 24 2021

Video: Meet the Italian Army's Bersaglieri

The 'Bersaglieri', or sharpshooters in Italian, are a unique unit of the Italian Army who trace their roots back to the 19th century. 

An elegant black feather plumage marks them out in the field. Once made from raven feathers and used as camouflage, the elaborate decorations are now synthetic, and the soldiers of the Bersaglieri wear them as a badge of pride. 

1st Corporal-Major Giusy Cosentino of the 1st Bersaglieri Regiment talks us through the regiment's history, and why she is proud to be a member. 

The 1st Bersaglieri Regiment took part in the NATO exercise Steadfast Defender 2021 in Romania. 

Footage includes shots of the Bersaglieri performing tactical drills alongside other Allied troops during the exercise. 

All soldiers were operating within a self-contained bubble in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines for NATO deployments abroad. NATO videographers observed these guidelines in accordance with NATO policies. 

Video by NATO HQ

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