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Sep 6 2021

NATO supports Afghan Evacuees

The NATO Response Force (NRF) is supporting evacuation and relocation endeavours alongside Allies and the international community.

NATO is committed to evacuate NATO employees and their families, those people we served with in Afghanistan, to a safe and secure environment.

"NATO is committed to evacuate NATO employees and their families, those people we served with in Afghanistan, to a safe and secure environment," said Major General Mead, Allied Joint Force Command Naples' Deputy Chief of Staff –Plans. "This has required the authorisation and activation of the NATO Response Force to establish a forward task force, Task Force Noble, which is an element of logistics, force protection and enablement to make sure we support our NATO colleagues."


Afghan evacuees depart a flight from Ramstein Air Base on August 31, 2021 as part of the NATO Response Force's (NRF) evacuation and relocation endeavors alongside partner institutions and the international community. To date, more than 120,000 people have been evacuated in the Allied airlift from Kabul airport as part of the coalition effort. Once in safe locations, NATO is working with allies to provide interim accommodations, care and support while arrangements are made for follow-on movement to Allied nations. (NATO Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Brett Dodge)

Around 2,000 Afghans working for NATO, and their families, were evacuated from Afghanistan in August. Many of them are in the process of being resettled in Allied countries, including in the United States. NATO is working with allies to provide housing, care and support while arrangements are made for follow-on movement to Allied nations.

In August, more than 120,000 people have been evacuated in the Allied airlift from Kabul airport as part of the coalition effort.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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