Command Senior Enlisted Leader  /  Information  /  CSEL Saliste meets with IEAFA Students

Mar 24 2021

CSEL Saliste meets with IEAFA Students

SHAPE, Belgium – Allied Command Operations (ACO) Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Siim Saliste met virtually with students from the Inter-European Air Forces Academy (IEAFA) on March 19, 2021.

IEAFA hosted CSM Saliste as a distinguished speaker for 36 students from 13 nations attending the academy’s Inter-European Professional Military Education course.

IEAFA are doing excellent work supporting their students through hybrid learning; their courses only serve to better enhance multinational networking amongst troops

“Talking to troops is one of the most important and enjoyable aspects of this position and due to the pandemic, these opportunities have been limited,” said CSM Saliste. “As leaders we have to jump at these opportunities to engage with our troops, no matter the format virtual or in-person. IEAFA are doing excellent work supporting their students through hybrid learning; their courses only serve to better enhance multinational networking amongst troops.”

ACO CSEL Command Sergeant Major Siim Saliste speaks virtually with 36 students from 13 different nations from the Inter-European Air Forces Academy (IEAFA) on March 19, 2021 at SHAPE Headquarters. The academy, located at Kapaun Air Station, Germany, hosts a multitude of trainings for both NCO's and officers.

CSM Saliste opened his speaking engagement providing students with a brief on Allied Command Operations and the intricacies of his position as CSEL to NATO’s more than two million enlisted troops from 30 Allied nations; he concluded with a live question and answer session.

“CSM Saliste emphasized the importance of strong and effective officer-NCO relationships and leadership principles such as adopting a growth mindset and the importance of knowing our people,” said US Air Force Master Sergeant David Sanner, IEAFA’s Director of Education. “This message underlines some of the core tenets of IEAFA that contribute towards our primary mission of building partnership, making NATO and PfP nations stronger together, and is especially salient coming from the SHAPE CSEL.”

The academy, which celebrates its fifth anniversary this year, hosts a multitude of trainings for both NCO’s and officers covering topics ranging from tactical combat casualty care to basic and advanced instructor courses open to multinational students across Allied and partner nations.

“IEAFA’s mission is to strengthen NATO and Partnership for Peace cooperation through education and training of our only common weapon system, people,” said US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robin Cadow, IEAFA Commnder. “IEAFA offers combined officer and enlisted Professional Military Education and technical training courses and has trained over 1,000 Allies and Partners from 42 different nations to date. These courses not only increase Ally and partner interoperability, but they also deepen trust on the very human level that organisations like NATO and Partnership for Peace are built upon, creating lifelong ties among Allies and Partners.”

IEAFA is located at Kapaun Air Station, Germany. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic many of their courses are currently held virtually. To learn more about IEAFA visit or

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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