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Apr 7 2020

Video: DSACEUR notes on contributions during COVID-19 pandemic

"During this pandemic, NATO continues to deliver deterrence and defence. Our ability to conduct operations has not diminished and our forces remain ready. NATO’s also rising collectively to the additional challenges present by COVID-19."

"Across the NATO family armed forces have been mobilised in support of national resilience measures. Field hospital have been built. Medical personnel have been deployed. Supplies have been delivered. Patients have been transported and planning expertise has been made readily available. All parts of the Alliance are engaged but let me highlight just three areas."

"First, our disaster response centre which is coordinating requests for help, as well as offers of assistance. We’ve also enacted Rapid Air Mobility measures to expedite cross border movement, and at a local level. I’ve spoken with individual NATO headquarters who are assisting regional governments in crisis response planning."

"Second, the NATO Support and Procurement Agency has already played a key role in providing tentage. For example, in less than 24 hours, to help Luxembourg significantly increase its hospital capacity."

"And third, cooperation with partner nations and international health organisations is proving invaluable. Not least in countering disinformation about the pandemic."

"Finally, we want to reassure Allies that first all our deployed commanders have the health of your people uppermost in their minds, and second, during this unprecedented time we would urge all NATO Allies to continue to reach out and support each other. Both in terms of sharing best practice and also importantly where possible through the provision of resources." 

"Thank you." - General Tim Radford

Video by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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