MONS, Belgium - Appointed officers, non-commissioned officers and civilian personnel from seventeen directorates, divisions and offices from throughout Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) successfully completed the NATO Gender Focal Point (GFP) Course on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020.
The NATO Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence delivered the virtual course, training nineteen appointed GFP representatives from SHAPE, for their role in support of the integration of gender perspectives within their respective chain of command.
The GFP positions, making up a functioning gender advisory structure consisting of dedicated dual-hatted experts, were created to systematically apply gender-sensitive indicators to the planning and execution of every activity. The GFPs support their chain of command in mainstreaming gender perspectives within their own area of responsibility.

Nineteen SHAPE staff completed NATO Gender Focal Point training virtually from Oct. 26 - 29. The trainees will support their chain of command in mainstreaming gender perspectives within their own area of responsibility within the headquarters. - NATO Photo by SHAPE Public Affairs Office
“The unity and strength of this structure in the further implementation of the UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions will make a difference,” said Lieutenant-General Brice Houdet, SHAPE Vice Chief of Staff, in his opening remarks.
NATO recognises the disproportionate impact that conflict has on women and girls, the vital roles women play in peace and security, and the importance of incorporating gender perspectives in all that the Alliance does. The Women, Peace and Security agenda was launched on Oct. 31, 2000 with the adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 and now includes nine additional Resolutions. NATO’s approach to the Women, Peace and Security agenda is framed around the principles of integration, inclusiveness and integrity.
To comply with sanitary measures this first-ever training event was run virtually and lasted three and a half days from Oct. 26 - 29.