MONS, Belgium – The SHAPE Partnerships Directorate (PD) hosted the Partner Coordination Committee Quarterly (PACCQ) meeting on Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 via video teleconference from Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE).
Despite all the challenges, we think that this platform must continue without interruption
This critical conduit for the passage of information between Partner nations and NATO, as represented by the Partnerships Directorate (PD), was well represented by the Partner National Military Representatives, NATO School Oberammergau (NSO), NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) and a multitude of key SHAPE staff.

SHAPE's Partnerships Directorate hosted the Partner Coordination Committee Quarterly meeting on Thursday, Nov. 26, 2020 with NATO Representatives and Partner Nations via video teleconference from Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
“Despite all the challenges, we think that this platform must continue without interruption … by considering the conditions-based approach, we tried our best to achieve our objectives and goals,” said PD Deputy Chief of Staff, Rear Admiral Bulent Turan.
Although this was neither the first Video Teleconference organised by PD, nor was it the first PACCQ conducted in this manner, it was definitely the most packed in terms of content. The typical updates were conducted (e.g. updates from/concerning: Dean PNMR, operations, training and exercises, military cooperation, PD Senior Enlisted Leader, COVID-19 etc.), with the addition of a few new presenters to the PACCQ (e.g. NSO and NSHQ).
It is well understood that the relationship with Partners heavily depends on personal relationships and networking; however, COVID-19 has inserted a challenge at the moment. Looking forward to the future when social interactions are once again permitted to reinforce and strengthen the bond between NATO and the Partner community; however, until the moment returns, PD will continue to embrace the “new normal".