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Nov 6 2020

SHAPE leaders participate in seminar on gender

The Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM) and SHAPE hosted the SHAPE Senior Leadership Seminar (SLS) on Gender on October 30, 2020.

The seminar—filled with strategic leadership from SHAPE—aims to improve the integration of gender perspective throughout the headquarter and Allied Command Operations (ACO) as a whole.

“We will continue to reinforce the training and education at all levels across the ACO, especially to those in leadership and influential positions,” said the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR) British Army General Tim Radford, in his opening remarks. “Successful integration will only be possible when all leaders, gender advisors (GENADs), gender focal points (GFPs) and staff work together to increase gender awareness and inspire their subordinates.”

“Successful integration will only be possible when all leaders, gender advisors (GENADs), gender focal points (GFPs) and staff work together to increase gender awareness and inspire their subordinates.”

As a collaborative initiative among SHAPE Command Group, SHAPE GENAD Office, Partnership Directorate and NCGM, the seminar was strongly supported by NATO Secretary General Special Representative on Women, Peace and Security, Ms. Clare HUTCHINSON. During the seminar, representatives from NCGM, Norwegian Armed Forces, Commanders from NATO Mission Iraq (NMI), NATO Mission in Kosovo (KFOR) together with their gender advisors and JFC Naples gender advisors delivered briefs and provided insights into leadership approaches for integrating gender perspective.

October 31, 2020 marks the 20 Anniversary of the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopting Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS). The ground-breaking resolution, focuses on women as actors and not only victims, recognizes women’s participation and gender perspective as important for the maintenance of international peace and security. It stands as a catalyst to improving gender perspective throughout NATO. (Graphic by SHAPE PAO)

The seminar is part of the overall effort to raising the knowledge on gender perspective in military operations among all staff at SHAPE. The effort also included a Virtual Gender Focal Point course completed the same week as the SLS and the mandatory completion of the advanced distributed learning course 169 Improving Operational Effectiveness by Integrating Gender Perspective by all SHAPE personnel.

“I’m really a big supporter of the gender topic…this topic makes a difference in the normal way of living, but it makes a big difference in operations as well,” Admiral Joachim Rühle, SHAPE Chief of Staff.

October 2020 is a key timeframe for the topic of gender perspective within NATO as October 31 marks the 20thAnniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. The ground-breaking resolution focuses on women as actors and not only victims and also recognizes women’s participation and gender perspective as important for the maintenance of international peace and security. It stands as a catalyst to improving gender perspective throughout NATO.

“Evidence shows that gender perspective integration helps militaries become more resilient, efficient and have more effect in their work,” said Lieutenant Colonel Peter Östman, NCGM commander, in his opening remarks. “Applying gender perspective is essential when addressing the different security needs of women, men, girls and boys but it is also a capability and force multiplier that offers the military opportunities to become more agile and better equipped to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.”

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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