Canadian Army Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Lance Dunn is the Command Senior Enlisted Leader at Joint Force Command Headquarters Brunssum; he has been in the position since July 2019.
As CSEL, CWO Dunn serves as the principal advisor to his commander, German Air Force General Jörg Vollmer, on matters affecting non-commissioned members (NCM) in the Alliance, while providing the command’s force structure and staff with NCM and junior officer development, utilisation and engagement.
Born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, CWO Dunn joined the Canadian Army Reserve in 1992 as a Field Engineer in Calgary. He has served in a variety of positions and capacities, more of which can be viewed here:

Chief Warrant Officer Lance Dunn, the Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) at Joint Force Command (JFC) Brunssum, left, poses for a photo with Command Sergeant Major Siim Saliste, the Allied Command Operations CSEL, outside of JFC Brunssum Headquarters.
Chief Warrant Officer Dunn has deployed on multiple overseas operations to include Bosnia in 1996 as a member of Implementation Force (IFOR), Honduras in 1998 as a member of Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), and Afghanistan in 2003 as a member of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), and 2005, 2008, and 2010 as a member of Canadian Special Operations Command (CANSOFCOM). He has deployed on domestic operations to include the Winnipeg Flood in 1997, the Ice Storm in 1998, and the Vancouver Olympics in 2010.
JFC Brunssum is the out-of-theatre operational command, providing appropriate command and control to Resolute Support Mission, enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) activities, NATO Response Force (NRF), and NATO Force Integration Units (NFIU). JFC Brunssum is actively engaged with many headquarters, be they within the NATO Command Structure or stood up by nations, Allies and Partners alike. This initiative embraces liaison with NATO member and non-member nations, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, and organisations who are security-focused stakeholders.

Official photo of Chief Warrant Officer Lance Dunn, the Command Senior Enlisted Leader at Joint Force Command Brunssum.
This is part one of a SHAPE Public Affairs series, introducing NATO military forces to their Command Senior Enlisted Leaders within Allied Command Operations. Following highlights will include CSELs from: Joint Force Command (JFC) Naples, JFC Norfolk, Allied Land Command, Allied Maritime Command, and Allied Air Command, along with a number of domains and subcommands.