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Dec 13 2020

JFCNP ready for assuming NRF duties in 2021

The NATO Response Force (NRF) standby command task rotates annually between JFCBS and JFCNP on the 1st January each year. JFC Brunssum assumed standby command responsibility from JFC Naples (JFCNP) for NRF20 on 1st January 2020. The standby command, however, is not idle. Throughout the year, it is responsible to ensure forces comprising the standby NRF are kept at high levels of readiness, and at the same time forces JFCNP to prepare similar forces and be ready to assume the NRF standby command tasks on January 1, 2021.

Watch to see how they do this.

Video by JFCNP Public Affairs Office

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