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Dec 16 2020

Holiday message from Supreme Allied Commander Europe


As we reflect this holiday season on all we've accomplished and triumphed through this past year, know your hard work and resilience demonstrated throughout 2020 have been tremendous. Our team has persevered and remained vigilant to meet our mission all while fighting the COVID pandemic, together. Relationships across the NATO Alliance and with our partners continue to grow, our warfighting readiness has been pushed to greater heights, and we continue to deliver peace and security throughout the Euro-Atlantic area.

Thank you for your continued team spirit and pride, which is evident in all that you do. While COVID-19 has forced us to perform in new and innovative ways, you never let your guard down in the face of the invisible enemy, and for that, we are all grateful.

During this holiday season, please dedicate time for yourself and to connect with your friends and families while maintaining the important health protection measures that keep each other and our communities safe. We need everyone on this team to remain healthy, both mentally and physically, for the year ahead.

Happy holidays. We are stronger together.

Message from General Tod D. Wolters, Supreme Allied Commander Europe

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