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Nov 18 2019

NATO's Partnerships Directorate visits Ukraine

KIEV, Ukraine - A NATO Training Team from the Partnerships Directorate (PD), led by Rear Admiral Bulent Turan, Deputy Chief of Staff Partnership Directorate visited Kiev and Lviv, Ukraine from Nov. 11 - 15, 2019.

During their time in Ukraine, the team visited several military training installations providing presentations and briefings to various audiences. Simultaneously, the NATO leadership received briefings on Ukrainian operations ongoing in the Joint Force Operations area.

There has been a tremendous exchange of information

"The opportunity to meet the staff and personnel of these training institutions has been extremely rewarding. There has been a tremendous exchange of information and following our briefings we have been challenged with some very searching questions on a variety of topics," said Rear Admiral Turan. 

"The knowledge and appetite from the students reflects well on the quality of training they have received, and their hunger to develop professionally. The NATO-Ukraine Partnership continues to develop where these young men and women are the future of the Ukrainian Armed Forces," Turan added.

The visit to various officers’ schools and training establishments allowed the NATO team to witness a wide range of procedures aimed at all Force Domains, reinforcing the significant contributions by Ukraine to the Resolute Support Mission and Kosovo Force (KFOR). With the illegal annexation of Crimea and the invasion of Eastern Ukraine the visit also provided chances to further discuss other training opportunities and capability enhancements.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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