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Mar 28 2019

NATO SOF commanders coordinate in Dublin

DUBLIN, Ireland - NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) along with the Irish Defence Force and Irish Defence Forces Special Operations Forces, The Army Ranger Wing, hosted the Senior Policy and Resource Committee and the NATO SOF Commander's Conference March 25 to 27, 2019.  

The theme of this biannual event was "the role of SOF in peer-state competition, crisis, and conflict".  Vice Admiral Colin J. Kilrain opened the conference with a reminder that "SOF relations forged both on the battlefield and in buildings ensures that when we need each other, we are ready, able, and willing to go".  The scene setter "Russia and Peer-State Conflict" was provided by Dr. David Stone, Chair of the Strategy & Policy Department at the Naval War College.

Dr. David Stone, Chair of the Strategy & Policy Department at the Naval War College, speaks at the NATO Special Operations Forces Commander's Conference in Dublin, Ireland, March 26, 2019. (Courtesy photo)

The conference included operational updates on Afghanistan and Africa to ensure that all SOF leaders walked away with both an operational picture, but also opportunities for further interaction.  Several nations provided individual updates on their current actions thus allowing for shared understandings and a focus on lessons learned.

"The necessity of these conferences provides the venue for SOF commanders, both Allies and Partners, to share ideas, promote interoperability at the human level, and reinforce the SOF community," said Vice Admiral Kilrain. "A large dose of Irish Cheer to the Irish SOF team in Dublin, who put together a world class conference for the Allied and Partner SOF Commanders. Their famed Irish Hospitality lived up to its reputation."

NATO SOF continues to provide support to NATO missions across the theatre and beyond.   NSHQ plays a key roles in identifying requirements and communicating with national SOF leadership.  NSHQ is co-located with SHAPE in Mons, Belgium.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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