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May 31 2019

NATO leader tours Romanian tFP Brigade

CRAIOVA, Romania-- With several significant exercises ongoing in the Black Sea Region, the Romanian-led Multinational Division Southeast has been busy contributing to defensive operations in and on the Alliance's Southeastearn flank.  

German Air Force Major Wolfgang General Renner, Deputy Chief of Staff Cyberspace, and Romanian Army Major General Valentin Becheru, commander of Romanian Communication and Information Systems Command, visited the Brigade in Craiova, May 28, 2019. Polish and Romanian armoured infantry explained and displayed their capabilities to the generals. 

''These capable force components are an outstanding example of NATO's determination to defend its territory. The tailored Forward Presence is a clear demonstration of defence and deterrence in this region and I have been hugely impressed,” said General Renner. ''It is clear that both the Polish and Romanian personnel here are well trained, highly motivated and reflect unity and interoperability at its best.”

NATO continues to adapt and strengthen its readiness and defensive posture. Exercise STEADFAST COBALT 19 completes at the end of this month. This year, the US-led Exercise SABRE GUARDIAN 19 will also take place mainly in Romania, where Allies and the Romanian-led tFP Brigade will participate in a fluid and dynamic defensive war-fighting scenario.  

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs

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