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May 13 2019

NATO and Ukrainian NCO's Hold Workshop in Kiev

KIEV, Ukraine – At one of the 3 Ukrainian Armed Forces Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) Training Centres, a small NATO team participated in briefings and workshops alongside their Ukrainian counterparts from May 6 - 8, 2019. 

The backbone of any fighting force is the Junior and Senior NCO's and through modernisation of force components, many nations are looking to NATO to assist with such programmes.  

Recognition of developing our NCO structure is vital

"This has been hugely successful as our first NCO NATO engagement where our Ukrainian colleagues appreciate the need to develop such cadres,” said Canadian Army Chief Warrant Officer Martin Cartier. "Our workshops at the Training Centre along with NATO experts have shown a keen awareness of the importance of developing and educating future NCO’s in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”

The Partnership Directorate at SHAPE has been the spearhead in advise and assist initiatives with Ukraine and the Ukrainian Armed Forces who are a lead nation in developing their own focus and procedures. Ukraine continues to be a leading Partner with ongoing contributions to the Resolute Support and KFOR Missions.

"We are very well aware that any type of reform takes time. Recognition of developing our NCO structure is vital and these training days are invaluable,” said Ukrainian Army Warrant Officer Andrii Pozniakevych. 

Our operational experience gained in the Donbas defending our Sovereign territory is well known and we can see the value of developing soldiers into junior leaders. This momentum must be maintained in the reform of our forces.

 As part of continuing wider Ukrainian Reform initiatives, discussions also took place on the scope of further NATO Training Days and ways of enhancing and improving the value for all participants with other opportunities this year.  

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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