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 May 2 2019

Exercise Eager Leopard concludes in Lithuania

RUKLA, Lithuania – Exercise Eagar Leopard, a multinational training exercise conducted by enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup in Lithuania, wrapped up on Tuesday, Apr. 30, 2019 in the training area in Pabrade, Lithuania.

Around 650 soldiers from Germany, The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Norway, along with Spanish and Slovenian troops from eFP Latvia, took part in the exercise. 

"This exercise was a success. We reached all our training goals. Therefore, the battlegroup is in good shape for the next exercise. Also, with the support of the Spanish and Slovenian troops from the eFP in Latvia, the multinational cooperation became more important," said Lieutenant Colonel Peer Papenbroock, eFP Battlegroup Lithuania Commander.

Even though the weather was hot and dry, the environment was challenging for the soldiers. The dry conditions resulted in sand particles that filled the air reducing visibility and filling soldiers' eyes, noses and mouths. 

Meantime the biggest exercise of the current rotation, Iron Wolf, will be conducted in June. Lithuanian soldiers of the Iron Wolf Brigade will participate in that exercise along with the soldiers from the enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office


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