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May 20 2019

Allied Command Operations Legal Affairs Conference held in Spain

MONS, Belgium - NATO's Allied Command Operations Office of Legal Affairs held an international conference in Sevilla, Spain from May 15 to 16, 2019 for NATO and national lawyers, partners, international organisations as well as Academia.  

"The ACO Office of Legal Affairs, organises an International conference every year to create esprit de corps for the NATO Legal Community, promoting the exchange of experiences and initiatives with regard to recurrent and new challenging legal matters," said Andres Munoz, Director of the NATO ACO Office of Legal Affairs.

This year, the conference was dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty and the topics discussed included: Historical aspects of NATO, North Atlantic Treaty from its inception until today, the NATO general multilateral treaties, immunities of international organisations and the complex matter relating to legal resilience/lawfare.


Over 100 people attended the event which was organised in conjunction with the International University Menéndez- Pelayo (UIMP), including a selected group of post-graduate students.

The two day conference was divided into panels and presentations.  Speakers included Dr.  Aurel Sari from Exeter University, Ms. Marlene Mazel from the Ministry of Justice of the State of Israel, Professor Orde Kittrie from the Arizona State University, Dr. Jose Ramon Suberviola from the, Dr. Niels Blokker from Leiden University, Dr. Stella Adorf SHAPE Historical Advisor, Mr. Eddy Groenen and Mr. Andres Munoz, Director of the NATO ACO Office of Legal Affairs.

Story by Allied Command Operations Office of Legal Affairs

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