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The Swedish Armed Forces participate in Trident Juncture

BODØ, Norway – The Swedish Armed Forces have provided a significant
contribution to NATO exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE by deploying extensive military
capabilities by land, sea and air with over 2200 Swedish personnel
participating throughout Norway.

"A very important lesson learned for us is that our participation in the exercise TRJE 18 has showed us that our way of training really works in a multinational context,” said Lieutenant Colonel Joakim Saviniemi (CO 212 Fighter Squadron). "This has given us a good opportunity to show the Alliance that the Swedish Jas 39 Unit is a very flexible unit, and can be tasked for multiple missions in complex scenarios. Even though we aren’t a NATO member, we have the ability and skill to plan, execute and evaluate large force compositions in an effective and safe manner.’’

With Sweden strengthening its national defence capability with a view on operations, exercises such as these provide a valuable opportunity for nations to practice their own procedures, and then cooperate with multi-national forces in larger operations. Sweden has participated in many NATO exercises and is forming a new Regiment this year as part of the new national Defence Policy.

"I have been on a NATO exercise about once a year and the level of cooperation and mutual benefit is very visible and improves each time - it is also important that we as a country continue to concentrate on home defence in the current security climate,’’ said Major Torbjörn Johansson Company Maintenance Chief. "I am really proud to see our young people join our Swedish Air Force and this helps our population understand our role and its importance to national defence.’’

On return to Sweden, preparations will begin for the Swedish led-exercise NORTHERN WIND 19 which is a Cold Weather (CW) Defensive Operations scenario exercise. Contributions from Finland, Norway, United Kingdom and the United States will be involved where Alliance members will train and conduct CW capabilities as part of the 360 degree approach to defence.
Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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