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SACEUR visits Romanian Allies
General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, greets military leaders during an official country visit to Bucharest, Romania on Apr 18, 2018. (NATO Photo by SSgt Dan Bardsley GBRA OR7)
Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, participated in
meetings with political and military leaders during an official country visit
to Bucharest, Romania on Apr 18, 2018.
During his exchange, General
Scaparrotti recognised the country's continuing contributions, including Multinational
Divisional Headquarters South East (MND SE). Located in Bucharest, the command serves
a key role in NATO's tailored Forward Presence defensive capability in the
strategic Black Sea region.
"Romania is an influential and
steadfast ally. With key assets based in the country such as NATO's
Headquarters Multinational Division South East: HQ MNDSE in Bucharest is key in
commanding forces deployed in the south-eastern part of the Alliance," said
General Scaparrotti. "And the
Headquarters Multinational Brigade South East: HQ MN BDE SE in Craiova enhances
the training and interoperability of allied forces."
In talks with Romanian President Klaus
Iohannis, General Scaparrotti spoke of Romania's commitment to the Alliance
since their addition in 2004 as part of NATO's fifth enlargement.
"NATO is grateful for Romania's contributions to our missions in
Afghanistan and Kosovo where they are making a real difference, said General
Scaparrotti. "Romania's commitment to
invest 2% in defence this year shows how committed you are to your security and
to the security of our Alliance."
At the conclusion of the visit, General
Scaparrotti thanked Romania for their continuing efforts and their strong
commitment to the Alliance during a
meeting with the country's Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Nicolae Ciucă.
Story by SHAPE Public Affairs