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SACEUR visits NATO's enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroups
General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, inspects equipment with members of the NATO Force Integration Unit
Lithuania during a visit near Kaunas, Lithuania, Apr. 4, 2018. (NATO photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Danielle Brandt - USN)
MONS, Belgium – Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, visited the four NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroups in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, Apr. 3 to 6 ,where he met with battlegroup personnel as well as political and military leaderships.
At his first stop in Poland, General Scaparrotti spoke to Multinational Corps Northeast of the importance of eFP as well as the contribution of those supporting it.
"You, individually and collectively, all play a key part in the defence of the Alliance, with specific responsibility for the security of the north-eastern flank of NATO; a responsibility I know you take very seriously," said General Scaparrotti. "Allies from multiple nations, working together within a Corps Headquarters such as yours, are a visible demonstration of the Alliance's commitment to Article V of the Washington Treaty, which enshrines the principle that an attack against one ally is an attack against all."
The delegation continued on to Lithuania and Latvia to visit NATO leaders and troops where SACEUR was able to witness the multinational battlegroups refining interoperability and capability through training and exercises.
"Rigorous and realistic training like this enhances the readiness of our Soldiers and enables them to better defend the Alliance," said General Scaparrotti. "The eFP Battlegroups have demonstrated their robust abilities as well as their determination to defend NATO territory against any potential threats."
The visit concluded with troop engagements in Estonia where General Scaparrotti met new recruits and observed officers in training at the Warrant Officer's Command Leadership and Management Course.
Overall the visit to the four battlegroups provided insight into the level of training within these multinational NATO elements and how they will continue to sustain a high level of readiness in the future.
Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office