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SACEUR visits Afghanistan with NATO Permanent Representatives

U.S. Army General Curtis M. Scaparrotti,  Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and U.S. Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison,  talk with German Brigadier General Wolf-Jürgen Stahl,  commander,  Train,  Advise,  Assist Command - North on Feb. 23,  2018 -  Photo by Erickson Barnes,  Resolute Support Headquarters
MONS, Belgium – Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, travelled to Afghanistan alongside four NATO Permanent Representatives, in order to conduct engagements with key Resolute Support and Afghan leaders from Feb. 22 to 24, 2018.

During the visit, the delegation, which included Ambassadors Hans-Dieter Lucas, Germany; Claudio Bisogniero, Italy; Mehmet Faith Ceylan, Turkey and Kay Bailey Hutchison, U.S.A met with multiple key leaders including General John Nicholson, the Resolute Support commander and Ambassador Cornelius Zimmerman, NATO's senior civilian representative in Afghanistan.

"On behalf of the ambassadors of the framework nations, Germany, Italy, Turkey and the United States, we want to thank General Scaparrotti and General Nicholson and Ambassador Zimmerman for their enormous contributions to the security and stability of Afghanistan," said Ambassador Hutchinson. "The alliance is committed to ensuring our military and civilian leaders on the ground have the necessary forces and resources to carry out this critical mission. This trip not only reinforces our commitment to the Resolute Support Mission, but also to our troops and diplomats who work tirelessly to support the Afghan government and to keep our nations safe."

The delegation also travelled to Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat to visit NATO leaders and troops with Train, Advise and Assist Command-North and Train, Advise and Assist Command-West, respectively.

"I leave here with greater resolve to go back as the SACEUR and encourage nations to continue in this fight and provide those resources that this commander needs and your forces need to get it done," said General Scaparrotti.

The delegation concluded its battlefield circulation in Kabul where it met with members of the National Security Agency, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior and National Directorate of Security.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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