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SACEUR announces sport champions

Supreme Allied Commander Europe,  General Curtis M. Scaparrotti presents the France-BENELUX team the SACEURS Trophy as they celebrate during the SACEUR Sports Banquet at the Shape Club on Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe,  Belgium,  November 15,  2018. (NATO photo by Staff Sergeant Jimmie D. Pike)

MONS, Belgium –  NATO service members assigned to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe gathered for the Supreme Allied Commander Europe's Sports Banquet at the SHAPE Club, Nov. 15, 2018.

During the banquet, General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander Europe, presented the SACEUR Commander's Trophy to the France-BENELUX team. 

The SACEUR Sports Competition is held throughout the year with each event being held on the last Thursday every month. These sport events include swimming, volleyball, tennis, and more.  The annual competition provides military athletes an opportunity to represent their countries and build camaraderie among the NATO nations.

"Despite all of our differences, both sports and warfare have the unique ability to unite us for a common cause," said General Scaparrotti. "It is a place where people who do not speak the same language, worship the same God, or share the same lineage can work together towards one unifying purpose."

 This year marks the 51st year of the SACEUR Sports Competition held for the SHAPE community.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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