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Operational Capabilities further developed during Database Training in Azerbaijan
The Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and Feedback team (OCC E&F) provided a database training course in Baku from 17-19 April 2018.
BAKU, Azerbaijan – The Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation and
Feedback team (OCC E&F) provided a database training course in Baku from April 17 to 19, 2018.
Over 23 NATO and Partner nations took part in the intensive
instruction and 'hands on' course learning about the new Database Tool.
This tool will significantly assist the planning, execution and reporting
elements of NATO evaluation programmes.
"The support we have received from the Ministry of Defence of
Azerbaijan has been excellent throughout and I am very grateful.
Furthermore, the appetite from Partner nations to attend such courses as these
is proving very strong," said Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Hirsti Norwegian Army.
"Alliance participation is also growing on these evaluation opportunities as
the importance of assessing our exercises across all Force Domains is hugely
recognised contributing towards projecting stability."
The requirements on NATO's Military Training and Exercise
programme along with exercises with Partners and other nations are extensive.
Not only must operational and training value be as focussed as possible, but
resources and funding must be maximised. NATO's defensive capability must
be ready for any eventuality where the OCC E&F database tool can not only
be used in LAND, SEA and AIR evaluations but also in the Force Generation
"The level of interest for understanding the evaluation and
feedback process using this Tool is very encouraging and may mean we have to
provide more courses. We will assess this in due course. Better trained
and dedicated evaluators remains a force multiplier," said Lieutenant Colonel
Anar Eyvazov, Azerbaijan Army with Partnership For Peace. The tool is now
available for user across the NATO Force Structure.
This week, North Macedonia will be hosting the
Military Partnerships Directorate Workshop where Force Generation and
Evaluation feedback discussions will take place.
Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office