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NATO civilian-military workshop helps build Iraq's resilience

Iraqi senior government leaders take notes during a civil support to military planning seminar Feb. 7,  2018 in Baghdad. The seminar is part of NATO’s Training and Capacity Building - Iraq activity aimed at helping the Iraqis improve military readiness. (Photo by NTCB-I Core Team)
BAGHDAD - More than 90 representatives from international and national organisations gathered in Iraq for a civilian-military workshop focused on reinvigorating relationships to build national resilience at Baghdad's Al-Nahrain Centre from Feb. 5 to 7, 2018.

"I am here today to underline NATO's continued support to our Iraqi partners," said Admiral James Foggo, commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples. "We will continue to act in full coordination with the Global Coalition, many of who are NATO members, and with other international organisations. The continued training and enabling of Iraqi forces will be crucial in providing the umbrella of security required for the development of your political institution and economy."

Organisers of the workshop, which consisted of presentations, panel-led discussions and scenario-based exercises, said that in order to boost Iraqi capacities and contribute stabilisation efforts in the country, NATO continues to provide a platform for cross-ministerial and civil-military cooperation.

"This is an opportunity to discuss a scenario familiar to all of us without recrimination and to come with positive solutions together," said Iraqi Major General Mohammed al-Shimary, chief of staff of the Prime Minister's Operation Centre.

The event was held as part of the NATO Training and Capacity Building-Iraq activity, featuring mobile training teams that advise, assist and train Iraqi forces. The teams, under the NATO flag, are designed to complement ongoing Coalition, EU, UN and individual Allies efforts.

Story by Allied Joint Force Command Naples Public Affairs Office

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