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Lithuania welcomes back Exercise Steadfast Cobalt 2018

Major General Wolfgang Renner speaks at the press conference as part of the opening ceremony for Exercise Steadfast Cobalt 2018 (SC18). SC18 is the NATO Communications Information Systems Group (NCISG) annual field evaluation exercise and takes place in Kaunas,  Lithuania during May 2018. NATO photo by SSgt Dan Bardsley GBRA OR7 

KAUNAS, Lithuania - Exercise STEADFAST COBALT 18 will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania from May 21 to  June 3 where as part of the Opening Ceremony, the Commander of the NATO Communications and Information Systems Group Major General Wolfgang Renner, held a Press Conference with the Vice Minister of Defence Mr Edvinas Kerza.

Exercise STEADFAST COBALT 18 will provide evaluation opportunities that will test and enhance all elements of the NCISG command control structure in support of the eNRF. Using exercise scenarios and intensive planned activities, all military communication enablers and civilian agencies will work through a challenging programme that will underpin support mission command.

"I and my team are extremely happy to be back in Lithuania. The Host Nation support, facilities and quality of training is excellent," said Major General Renner. "Lithuania is a strong alliance member which effectively contributes towards our collective defence and shared security. It is an honour to be back amongst friends."

This exercise is a vital element of supporting the NATO Command Structure where interoperability and standardisation are critical ensuring the passage of command is achieved effectively. This year the 2nd NATO Signal Battalion (located in Grazzanise, Italy) has provided the exercise control infrastructure and communications equipment.

"With more than 800 personnel participating from over 25 Alliance members and partners, this exercise will focus on testing our deployable communication systems, and preparing for eNRF19," said the Commander. "Our sights are fixed on NATO's largest event this year, Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 18 and I am confident that we will achieve all our targets here in Kaunas," he said.

The Distinguished Visitors Day will be held on May 31 and following the successful completion of Exercise STEADFAST COBALT 18, NCISG will continue further preparation with the NATO Signal Battalions in order to deploy to Norway and other locations for Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 18.

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