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Japan speaks partnership with NATO Military Partnerships Directorate

MONS, Belgium  – The Director General of Defence Plans and Policy Department, Japan Self-Defence Force Major General Naoki Kajiwara, visited the Military Partnerships Directorate at SHAPE, on Wednesday, Jan.17, 2018.  

The general discussed possible topics of future cooperation with NATO and the joint staff talks in Japan next month with the International Military Staff. The Military Partnerships Directorate planning and programming functions are many, requiring continuous liaison with NATO Headquarters, Partners, and other Commands in order to reinforce awareness and interoperability.   

"I am delighted to be able to welcome Major General Kajiwara to the Military Partnerships Directorate. Such engagement provides excellent opportunities to discuss matters of mutual interest," said Major General Odd Pedersen, MPD Director.  "We discussed NATO's future cooperation with Japan and our shared desire to broaden practical cooperation beyond non-military issues.'' 

NATO Partners are significant contributors to global security and are vital enablers towards NATO's core tasks of Collective Defence and Security.  Japan became a partner to NATO in 2013 in the framework of "partners across the globe.'' In 2014, Japan and NATO agreed to a further Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme; this remains and continues to develop significant activities, ranging from peace-support and crisis management activities to defence against terrorism. 

The importance of partnerships serves to increase mutual co-operation, and reinforces peace and understanding in an ever-changing security dynamic.

Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office

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